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February 9, 2024
The Importance of Near-Infrared (NIR) Analysis in the Soybean Industry

Near-infrared (NIR) measurement is used as a non-invasive way to conduct tests or quality control on a product or material. A common usage of NIR spectroscopy is in the food and drinks of agricultural industries for measuring content such as protein, carbohydrate, moisture, fat, food oils, and different polymers.

Near-infrared (NIR) measurement is used as a non-invasive way to conduct tests or quality control on a product or material. A common usage of NIR spectroscopy is in the food and drinks of agricultural industries, specifically for measuring key parameters that determine the quality and usefulness of a product. NIR can measure organic, pure substances as well as inorganic minerals and salts. Common parameters used in the food and agriculture industries include carbohydrates, vitamins and nutrients, food oils, different polymers, enzymes, amino acids, emulsifiers, fats and fat replacers, preservatives, stabilizers, and sweeteners.

Unlike traditional wet chemistry methods of testing, near-infrared has many advantages for analyzing whole oilseed samples without a need for sample preparation. NIR enables a significantly shorter analysis time(30-60 seconds) and the ability to perform multi-component analysis on a single instrument. This leads to higher sample throughput, higher cost savings, and reduced equipment maintenance costs. 

Large differences in quality existed in the soybean or soya bean industry, and a need for an accurate, cost effective, quick technique to analyze soybean samples was created using NIR. Different models were created to rapidly analyze soybean parameters such as moisture, crude, fat, and protein content. The analysis of amino acids has also been done, which is a shift in how the soybean industry is looking at protein and fat.  

NIR can be used for all industries such as dairy, grain, feed and forage, meat, wine and beer, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, plastics, and more.

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